

Grha AP
Jl. Kenanga No.62, RT.7/RW.2, Cilandak Timur, Kota Jakarta Selatan 12560

Quote Number QUO-94/NAK/IX/21
Quote Date September 15, 2021
Total IDR27.750.000,00
Jessica (Endee Communication)
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Media Handling

a). Develop and prepare press release.
b). Identify media and develop, distribute, and follow up media invitation (by phone and email). Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for the incoming of 60% from the total invitations (20 media)
c). Supervise and manage media attendance on the D-day for max 20 Media.
d). Follow-up pitching press release to attending and non attending media.
e). Project report and result, i.e PR value.

Daftar Media:
1. Kompas.com
2. Detik
3. Tempo
4. Jakarta Post
5. Tribunnews
6. CNN Indonesia
7. IDN Times
8. Antara News
9. Tirto
10. Kumparan
11. Halodoc
12. Alomedika
13. Liputan6
14. Beritasatu
15. Republika
16. Koran Jakarta
17. Dream
18. Suara
19. Sindonews
20. Okezone

Sub Total IDR25.000.000,00
Tax IDR2.750.000,00
Total IDR27.750.000,00

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