

Grha AP
Jl. Kenanga No.62, RT.7/RW.2, Cilandak Timur, Kota Jakarta Selatan 12560

Quote Number QUO-039/VIII/NAK/19
Quote Date October 29, 2019
Total IDR17.500.000,00
Bapak Dhana
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Press Release Distribution

a. Develop or refine key messages and talking points
b. Develop and prepare press release
c. Identify media and distribute press release (max 35 media with KPI 30% publish)
d. Follow up pitching stories
e. Project report and result

Sub Total IDR17.500.000,00
Tax IDR0,00
Total IDR17.500.000,00

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