

Grha AP
Jl. Kenanga No.62, RT.7/RW.2, Cilandak Timur, Kota Jakarta Selatan 12560

Quote Number QUO-144/NAK/I/24
Quote Date January 16, 2024
Valid Until January 19, 2024
Total IDR41.500.000,00
Axioo Indonesia
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Press Conference Package

1. Develop or refine communication documents, i.e. key messages, talking points, and briefing books
2. Develop and prepare media kit, i.e. agenda, fact sheet, and press release
3. Identify media and develop, distribute, and follow up media invitation (20 journalist attend to the event)
4. Supervise and manage media attendace on the D-day
5. Assist interview and door-stop sessions
6. Follow-up pitching stories to attending and non attending media (20 publication)
7. Project report and result, i.e PR value
8. KPI --> 20 Journalist Attending and 20 Publications

1 Press Release Publication (AD HOC)

- Based on the number of publications (excluding the press conference package KPI)
- Targeting an additional number of publications up to 50

1 Journalist Attend to The Event (AD HOC)

- Based on the number of journalist attending (excluding the press conference package KPI)
- Targeting an additional number of Journalist Attending up to 30

Sub Total IDR41.500.000,00
Tax IDR0,00
Total IDR41.500.000,00

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